“At the most fundamental level, trauma causes our electrical system to freeze…

Any area where the flow is stuck, inflammation appears. Inflammation is a sign of resistance in our body’s electrical system.

Anywhere you have an excess in one place, you end up with a deficiency in others, leading to systemic imbalance and secondary issues…

These “hot spots” represent areas of traumatic input/memories stored in the standing waves in the biofield.

They can be located with a tuning fork because they exhibit a subtle sense of resistance and produce dissonant overtones.

Therapeutically applied sound gets it moving again…gently releasing and guiding the electrical system back into flow with sound increases overall voltage (strength of the circulating current) and stimulates self-healing.

Any place we have resistance in the flow in the body, we have it in the field - and vice versa. Since magnetic fields guide and inform electrical currents, it makes sense to shift the flow from the field instead of the body.”

~Eileen McKusick

©2024 Eileen McKusick, UseD with permissio

For more in-depth learning, I invite you to visit Eileen's website, ElectricHealth.com. There, you’ll find a wealth of information on electrical health, free courses on The Human Biofield, The New vs. The Old Cosmology, and what’s new in Biofield Tuning research.